This organization shall be known as the PACIFIC NORTHWEST Region of the NASH CAR CLUB AMERICA, a non-profit organization. This region covers (geographic area): All of the State of Washington, except Clark and Skamania Counties. It also includes British Columbia, Province of Canada.
SECTION IIThe purpose of this organization is to encourage members of the NCCA to meet locally to promote the restoration of vehicles recognized by the NASH CAR Club of AMERICA Furthermore, the organization is to promote family activities that bring local NCCA members together.
Any member in good standings with the NCCA is eligible to become a member of this organization.
SECTION IIThe region reserves the right to expel or refuse membership to the region based on character, moral grounds. of If a member is engaged in fraudulent or slanderous activities toward other members.
SECTION IIIAnnual dues will be set by a majority vote of the membership attending the LAST meeting, of the fiscal year. The amount of the dues will be sufficient to provide membership services, but be in keeping with our non-profit status. New members may join the region anytime. The dues will be prorated by 1/12th per month for the balance of the fiscal year.
This organization shall have a total of five officers: Chairman, Co-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, and Editor. The office of Editor may be combined with any other office. Officers shall assume duties on March 1st following elections and shall serve a two (2) Year Term in the same office. No officer shall serve more than two consecutive two (2) year terms in the same office.
SECTION IIThe chairman oversees the general operation of the region. He/She shall preside over the meetings of the officers and of the members. He/She shall call meetings as required. He/She shall appoint committees as needed.
SECTION IIIThe co-chairman handles region publicity. This consists of sending in meet announcements to the NASH TIMES (TNT) so they can be put on the Region Calendar, sending copies of meet articles to the TNT after they are printed in the region newsletter along with black and white photographs, if they are available. The co-chairman assists the region chairman with any duties necessary, and conducts meetings in the absence of the chairman.
SECTION IVThe secretary takes meeting minutes, handles general correspondence as requested by the other officers, maintains office region file of correspondence, region by-laws, region rosters, membership applications, etc. The secretary is responsible for maintaining a Region Membership Car File, which includes 1) current region members, 2) New National members who don't belong to the region, 3) Inactive file (national members who have been send two newsletters as an incentive to join, but have not, plus former national and regional members.
SECTION VThe treasurer is responsible for banking and distributing the region funds. The treasurer sets up a budget and makes treasurer reports as deemed necessary by the region officers and publishes an annual report.
SECTION VIThe editor shall be responsible for compiling, publishing, and distributing newsletters.
SECTION VIIThe chairman and secretary shall be elected in odd numbered years. The co-chairman, treasurer and editor shall be elected in even numbered years.
SECTION VIIINomination of officers shall be finalized at the November meeting of the calendar year. A ballot will be sent to all members within four weeks thereafter. Officers take office in March (the beginning of the fiscal year).
SECTION IXIn the event of an office vacancy, the boards will appoint a representative to serve the remainder of the term by a two-thirds vote of approval, or a special election may be held to fill the vacancy.
SECTION Xa member and spouse shall have a separate vote in all region matters.
The number of business meetings for the forthcoming year will be established by a vote of the board at the last meeting of the fiscal year. Region officers will then set dates and locations based on membership input.
SECTION IIAll regional meeting dates should be sent to the TNT by the co-chairman for listing in the calendar of events.
This organization shall publish a newsletter containing notice of events and news of general interest to the membership. Cars and parts for sale or wanted may also be listed. The newsletter shall be published every four months or as deemed necessary by the editor and or the board.
SECTION IICourtesy copies are to be sent to the National President, the Division Director and the TNT editor.
No member or group of members shall take part in or organize any event, meeting or tour where sponsorship of the region is implied or indicated without the approval of the region membership.
These by-laws may be amended by the following procedures:
- Discussion at a membership meeting.
- Majority vote by the region officers.
- Publication of proposed amendments in the newsletter with mail-in ballot.
- Ballot vote by members.
If not approved by the board, and a petition is brought forth by non region officer members, a two-thirds vote by the membership can overrule the region officers.
(Note) Any by-law change must be in accordance with national by-laws standing rules. The change must be sent to the Division Director and the National Vice-president as soon as they occur.